Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Symphonic Zone

I love being active, but due to a mild ankle sprain from a klutzy encounter with a pothole in May, my fitness rotation has been limited. Though I could walk okay the day after it happened, my ankle was swollen and ugly for several weeks and it had this mild pain deep in the tissue. I also had this strange weakness when I walked, like it could easily pop again and give out at any moment, so I’ve been hesitant to put tons of pressure on it.

Don’t get me wrong, Tae Bo, Strippercise and Zumba—which I just got the DVDs for and am laughing my way through—are a total blast, but I hate monotony and need a variation of things to choose from. And for me, they take so much concentration on form and technique that it’s difficult to focus on anything else. Speed walking or running is all about rhythm for me. I find this internal music, this beat that every part of me is tune with. When I’m in that zone, my poetic juices start flowing. I don’t normally feel so poetic because I’m mostly writing novels now, but when I’m away from everything, escaping a little bit, if I stay alert instead of dissolving into myself, my senses pick up on the charms around me.

Lilacs conquer exhaust fumes and breeze caresses my skin in silky wisps and dogs who are miles apart communicate something only they understand and I’m glad I chose Orbit gum cuz the flavor lasts way longer than Extra and some dude oddly grills steak in the morning, making me crave it for breakfast.

Spring was so colorful this year, it honestly put autumn to shame. I felt like I’d finally met the real Spring after being tricked for years by a charlatan. I’ve never seen it look more vibrant, the reddish purple of sprouting maple leaves, pink, white, orchid and yellow blossoms, the lush and varied shades of green from pale to rich, so gorgeous, it leaves me breathless, and I’m amazed there are actually people walking around who can’t see God’s hand and splendor in it all.

It’s now on the cusp of fall. I love when the days are a bit crisper. It beats the sweltering heat of the season gone. Autumn is my favorite, so perfect for playing football, hiking and whatnot. I love the pumpkins and hayrides, the colored leaves and candy apples, the crunchy frosty grass and MLB post season, especially when the Yankees don’t make it in.

Even though there’s a slight twinge in my ankle and it still doesn’t feel 100%, I tested it with a 3-and-a-1/4-mile walk-and-jog, mostly jog, yesterday and that went great. No pain or anything, during or after. My husband has the day off today and it's gorgeous outside, not too hot or cold. So, I’m gonna leave my watch and MP3 at home, put on my new but broken-in shoes and go for a real run today for the first time in like forever and get back in my zone. I cannot wait for the symphony.

~ Signing off and sending out cyber hugs.

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