Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May Mania ~ Stretch #7

Your writing drive can come and go. Sometimes all you need to get going again is a simple prompt. I recently did a writing prompt exercise that began, So there I was... For this next exercise, turn to a source that normally makes your brain go all mushy: the TV.

Flick through the channels on your television and stop long enough to hear a character in a TV show say a line of dialogue. Kick off a scene or a poem with this line.

Might as well get some brain-stimulating use out of the talking box, beyond a daily fix of Jeopardy. Get your pen twirling again.

~ Signing off and sending out cyber hugs.


  1. [...] #2, May Mania ~ Stretch #3, May Mania ~ Stretch #4, May Mania ~ Stretch #5, May Mania ~ Stretch #6, May Mania ~ Stretch #7, May Mania ~ Stretch #8, May Mania ~ Stretch #9, May Mania ~ Stretch #10 , May Mania ~ Stretch #11 [...]

  2. Interesting and creative writing prompt

  3. Thank you. :) I'm glad you liked it.
