Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Writing Exercise: The Six-Word Thingy

Hemingway was famous for his six-word story: For sale: baby shoes; never worn. I decided to take up the six-word challenge and write some myself. I'm definitely not as eloquent as Hemingway, but I had fun giving it a whirl. Here are some I wrote, but they just don't hit the right emotional chord. I'll keep working on it.

Wife left, jackpot won, hardly treasure.

Procrastinator’s promise: I'll live for tomorrow.

Redeemed souls can always beat cancer.

Abandoned, then adopted, loved today, forevermore.

Amazing grace; how sweet the sound.

Flower salesman got fired, received flowers.

Young boy slew giant with rock.

Gave birth today, wept, popped balloons.

Daughter's suicide was murder via email.

Sleepers, 9/11 was an inside job.

Poison ivy not mentioned in brochure!

Jesus: liar, lunatic, Lord? Resurrection picked.

No brilliance there, but it was a fun creative exercise. Even if you're not much of a writer, you can still spin out a six-word thingy. It's easy, quick and fun. Give it a shot.

~ Signing off and sending out cyber hugs.

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